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RE: Potential new helmet rule would affect autocrossers

To: "'Matt Murray'" <>, "'autox'"
Subject: RE: Potential new helmet rule would affect autocrossers
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:07:56 -0600
Those of us that are "vertically challenged" have to snug the seat up close
to the steering wheel. They (I) have to be "that close" when they (I) drive.

And like matt those of us that are vertically challenged & like matt play
with 911's sit quite close to the wheel. Which in theory would increase the
chance getting hurt. I'm a bit further back in the MazdaSpeed, but not that
much moreso.

Who thought the next big change would be to ban all open face helmets.... So
It goes.

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