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Mazda Rev It Up...

To: <>
Subject: Mazda Rev It Up...
From: "The Fine's" <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 09:37:14 -0400
I am simply thinking out of the box on this one.


Went to the DC location this weekend, was thoroughly impressed with the
amount of time, thought, organization, staffing, and not to mention
money that this event must have backing it. Very nicely done.




Do you mean to tell me with all of the great drivers that the SCCA not
to mention any other racing organizations that are out there, that only
one person in all of the events that have been held last year and this
year has beaten the Mazda Pro at the course. I find it hard to believe.
And not to take anything away from the guy who did it - but his name
isn't even one of the greats that you would expect to see. (Daddio,
Priebe, Strelniek, Salerno, Brolliar, Johnson, Braun, Thompson, N. Sapp,
Said, Atltenburg, ect..) What got me thinking about this was we had a
little timer glitch with Larry and it just makes you wonder. I 'm sure
that Mazda is running a respectable promotion but ya never know. So here
is the scenario - Larry is on course, coming into the slalom before the
finish and he catches up to the car in front of him, gives him a little
spook. Gets out of the car, sees him name in 2nd spot for the weekend
just under Daddio. But in his mind he's thinking did the car in front of
him spook him and he back peddled just a little and maybe he could have
got the killer run that he needed. He spoke with an event official who
was aware of the situation due to course workers even calling in the
event over the radios. So they gave him the option of a re run - who
would not take that chance. So he goes out, with what looks like his
best run of the day and the times flashes a time of 311.9. So did he
just beat the PRO and the timer throws a malfunction to cover itself?
They tell us that they have a back up timer and that it would take a
minute to find Larry's time. So after a few minutes go buy you see his
corrected time up on the board - actually 2/10's slower than the one he
threw away. I kiddingly gave the same scenario to the event official and
he said no, I think a hair net (they make you wear hair nets with the
helmets they supply) blew across the timing lights. Well wouldn't that
make the back up timer have a false reading as well????????????


Yes - I know that the PRO has many many many runs on the course - but I
find it hard to believe that the cream of our sport are not able to go
out and just crush a run and get closer to him. Or do you think they are
fluffing his time? Say maybe the adding 4 or 5/10's.


I am not pointing any fingers what so ever - just thinking out loud.


Kim Fine

#19 ASL/L1

04 Subaru STi

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