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Re: First computers, was: history

To: Eric Salem <>
Subject: Re: First computers, was: history
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 18:38:40 -0600
Eric Salem wrote:

> Got out of Journalism School on this very day in 1989 and it took a few
> years to figure out what a bad idea that degree was. 

C'mon, now, Eric!  Journalism may not pay worth a crap but it's 
certainly a challenge.  And it's paid me enough (barely!) to keep the 
Mini running since 1987.  I've been a broadcast journalist for 30+ 
years.  And I wouldn't trade it for the world.  You'd probably be 
appalled to know how little I make, but I wouldn't trade this profession 
for the world.

I've got a big nose and I get paid to go around sticking it into other 
people's business!!

However, unlike many of my cohorts, I'm a firm subscriber to the 
practice of objectivity and unbiased reporting.  I know that's rare in 
this day and age but I firmly believe in just presenting the facts and 
letting my audience decide what to do with them.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

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