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Re: First computers, was: history

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Re: First computers, was: history
From: "Will Kalman" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:14:35 -0800
Music out of a radio?  Now you're pulling our collective leg. :^)

You could get a Commodore 1541 disk drive to sing songs by uploading a
program to it's CPU that would vibrate the stepper motor in tune.  Did I
mention I used to make a fair amount of money aligning those drives? :^)

1969 - Breathing
1971 - Toilet
1972 - Crayons
1974 - Pencil
1977 - Pen
1978 - Pocket Calculator
1982 - VIC-20 (BASIC and 6502 assy)
1984 - Commodore SX-64 (BASIC and 6510 assy + repair)
1986 - Atari 520ST (repairs/upgrades)
1995 - Pentium 90 (networking)
1997 - K6-200 (more networking)
1999 - P3-450 (VB5/6, ASP, SQL)
2001 - Athlon 1.4 (VB, ASP, SQL)
2003 - Athlon XP 2200+ (VB, ASP, SQL, C#)

Will Kalman
'91 Escort GT - STS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pete Holsberg" <>
> You could play music on a radio by placing it close to an
> S-100 bus computer and running a special BASIC program. I
> can recall playing the theme from Star Wars at an expo at a
> local mall.
> Pete

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