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Re: [evolution-disc.] Was UD/BD ST

Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Was UD/BD ST
From: James Rogerson <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 23:02:46 -0500
At 11:42 PM 7/14/2003 -0400, wrote:
>I don't think SP looks like it is in trouble right now. And I'm not
>suggesting that SP be merged into Prepared, right now. I DO think that in
>the future that the category will begin to decline because of the
>overriding issues with smog control and total preparation making real
>competitive cars practically unstreetable.

I have to disagree with you.  There are fewer and fewer prepared cars in 
solo except for CP.  If they let GT cars run rampant there, it would 
diminish as well.  The gap between the solo community and club race is a 
chasm that is growing yearly.  SP is slowing becoming the builder class and 
ST and SM is the new add on crap class.  Mod will continue to limp 
along.  Stock will be a split of the haves and the have nots.  If we 
continue to allow the adulteration of stock to include more and more after 
enhancements then the have nots will just go to the class that allows them 
to modify their car and not worry about the "professional" solo 
competitors.  They will play chase through the classes for years to come, 
somewhat as they do today.

.02 later

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