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Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)

To: "Hugh Barber" <>
Subject: Re: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 13:09:36 -0700
On Saturday, Jul 5, 2003, at 12:54 US/Pacific, Hugh Barber wrote:

> I might suggest that since humans get old and die, you always need to
> attract new members (to replace the ones "leaving") otherwise 
> eventually the
> sport will die.

Moot point, drawing new members is not an issue, as I pointed out.  
Retention rates are the issue.  If you REALLY want to increase the core 
membership, keep the entrance bar where it is and advertise.  That 
would INCREASE retention rates by filtering a greater number of 
candidates through, against the true criteria of sustained competition. 
  Lowering the bar and spending more time/effort attracting candidates 
that will become frustrated in a year when they realize they don't have 
the resources to sustain competition don't do ANYTHING to increase your 
core membership.

>   Autocross/SoloII has experienced attendance highs and lows
> over the years.  Just because currently its in a "high" does not mean 
> it
> will stay that way forever.

Autocross attendance is 90% related to site availability, and will 
continue to be so for the forseeable future.

> If we take your suggestions to the max, we will
> go back to SCCA at its roots - an elitist club for rich white men.

a.  Taking any suggestions to extremes results in absurdities.

b.  Thanks for stopping just this side of calling me a racist.  Fuck 
you.  And if you object to the language, don't start it.

> probably weren't aware that in the late 50's/early 60's you have to 
> have
> someone recommend you for membership in SCCA (whoops I'm showing my 
> age).
> Following you lead, we get "SCCA - by the current members, for the 
> current
> members, to hell with anybody else - we don't need no stinking new 
> blood!"

Nonsense.  I said nothing of the sort.  Probably you weren't aware that 
I was one of the charter members of the ST development group a few 
years back.


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