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Re: Numbers

To: "Chuck" <>, "Andy Hollis" <>,
Subject: Re: Numbers
From: "Steve Hoelscher" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 23:03:17 -0500
----- Original Message -----
 "Chuck" wrote:

> Andy, I understand the frustration, I've expressed it myself, BUT, IMHO
> there still needs to be a "spirit of the rule" exemption available.


> If the current class
> and number rule compliance was checked and enforced in tech and/or grid
> rule revision discussion would be mostly unnecessary. A "law" is only as
> good as the willingness to enforce it, and so far I haven't seen the one
> have being enforced. I think this is being attacked from the wrong end.

First, grid is not responsible for enforcing rules.  Tech can fail the car
if the numbers are not in compliance, just as they can for required
stickers.    Lets assume for a moment that a "sprit of the rule" loophole is
allowed so that Chuck can use his cool and legible, but illegal numbers and
letters.    At Nationals, Chuck breezes through tech but Scotty Bob, in line
behind him, gets flunked because they can't decipher the hieroglyphics he
has on the side of his car.    Scotty Bob then points his finger at Chuck's
car and notes that those numbers are illegal too but he passed.  The Chief
of Tech responds with "judgment call" on legibility, then gets into an
argument over whether or not Scotty's numbers are as readable as Chuck's.
Tech stands its ground so Scotty files a "conduct of the event" protest
claiming selective enforcement of the rules.   The protest committee is now
forced to deal with the issue.  Since there is no black and white rule on
numbers and letters the committee is left with no other option than to make
one of two rulings;  Either Chuck's letters are illegal and therefore must
be changed along with everyone else that is in the same situation.  Or, the
rule is un-enforceable so if Chuck gets a pass, everyone else does too.

If Chuck and Scotty get a pass then we are right back where we are now and
solve nothing.  Or, we end up with a strict interpretation that bounces
Chuck's cool numbers and letters and we end up with the new proposal with no
"spirit" loophole.

Take your pick. (with apologies to Scotty Bob who always has wild but
readable numbers)

Personally, I don't understand the problem.  How hard is it to make you
numbers and letters clear and readable?  I see stuff on the sides of cars
that I can't imagine how anyone thinks they could be read on course, let
alone in compliance with any rule.  If everybody would voluntarily comply
with the "spirit of the rule" we wouldn't have a problem.

Steve Hoelscher
#27 DSP

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