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RE: "Tahrs"

To:, "Phil Vanner" <>,
Subject: RE: "Tahrs"
From: "Phil Ethier"<>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:06:39 GMT
>Good to hear from you again, Phil V!

No I'd be Phil E.  But I do know Phil Vanner. 

>Is there some secondary treatment before you eat these things, to kill the

>lye???  I'd hate to wind up with a mouth full of "Easy Off" and dried

I know remarkably little about the preparation of Lutefisk, and that's pretty
well the way I like it.  I have eaten it, and am not overly eager to repeat
the experience.
>I see the midget is currently not running, but I hope you get her back
>together again soon!  

Yes, I have driven the Midget to which you refer, even wrenched on it a time
or two.  There is a great picture of Phil V going backwards with a pylon still
in the air.  When it was still in the MAC website, I used to refer folks to
it when I got on my "good numbers" soapbox.  The numbers on the car are mine.
 I often loaned them to Phil even if I was not running that day.  In the 
case anyone gives a darn, I could probably scrounge up a JPEG from my other
computer and send it to them.

>Lucretia is alive and well after a rebuild of the
>motor last year.  (There, some autocross related content!)

Mine is the Lotus and TR4.  Lotus is slowly returning from a launch disaster
in October.  TR4 will be used stock on street tires for a few events to get
ready for the VTR2002 convention.  I'm the eventmaster, so I really should bring
a Triumph.  :-)   See

Phil Ethier

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