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Re: Byron's shock comments

Subject: Re: Byron's shock comments
From: Jenaro Rodriguez <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 01:41:19 -0800 (PST)
IMHO I think that you've hit the head on the nail with
this. It's all perception. The bottom line is that no
matter what's decided (OEM shocks, double adjustable
shocks, etc.) when the dust clears, the people that
are winning now are still going to be winning.
Probably 90% of the people that autocross aren't going
to magically become national champions with $1000,
$5,000 or $20,000 shocks. National champions aren't
going to suddenly suck if they don't have the trick
shocks. Equipment is only a part of the equation. It's
easy to analyze the results of an event and conclude
that in a class like BS where maybe at nationals the
first 10 spots are separated by .1 seconds, better or
more expensive equipment can be the difference between
placing 1st or 5th. It may be. But if you think about
it in another way, I bet you that making one less
mistake (getting on the gas a fraction of a second
quicker, getting 3 inches closer to an apex cone,
braking a fraction of a second later when entering a
turn - you get the idea)will more than make up for
that .1 second. Just about everybody that autocrosses
can analyze their runs and identify 3 or 4 of these
mistakes or slips. You always leave time out on the
course. I'm not sure what the answer is. I think that
driver performance is so important that at some point
it might be worthwhile to consider handicapping the
driver rather than the machine. Just my .02,


--- wrote:
> FWIW, I don't really disagree with Byron's
> assessment to go back to OE with a 
> sunshine period for existing shocks (it could have
> been shorter and to the 
> point :-).  Ultimately that is the only real answer,
> though I'm not convinced 
> it will really solve anything except peoples
> perceptions about thinking they 
> are at an equipment disadvantage.
> Mark
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