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Re: Why most autocrossers don't want their sport on TV

Subject: Re: Why most autocrossers don't want their sport on TV
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 20:31:33 EST
Maybe I missed the beginning of this thread, but didn't it start with the 
SCCA commercial on Speedvision?  If great drivers started with autox then why 
not show that instead of some kind of a Formula car that few can afford. If 
the object of the add is to get people interested in SCCA, then make it a 
level almost anybody can get in.  We in the autox HOBBY will take care of 
helping them go to driving schools, becoming corner workers, grid, safety or 
whatever.  I don't want autox on TV as a regular program, but as a 15 second 
commercial, Why Not!!!  
We in San Diego have a tough time now with the turnouts at our events. 
200-300 drivers per event, many are new people, but they come back with 
friends.  Of course that's just the SDR SoloII. My point is, be careful what 
you wish for.
I thought it was common knowledge we carried some of the Pro-programs.  But 
as long as I can play with my autox toys, I reluctantly don't care.  It's 
still cheap fun. 
My .02 worth.
Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

Gary Basey (Dad)
Kat-n-Dad Racing
1969 BMW 2002
EP (I think)
San Diego, Ca.  

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