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Re: Why most autocrossers don't want their sport on TV

Subject: Re: Why most autocrossers don't want their sport on TV
From: Mike Smith <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 23:10:18 -0500
I got a better compromise....

Put Pro Solo on TV, and leave Solo II alone....


At 10:59 PM 12/21/2001 Friday, you wrote:

>One of the negative sides would be the effect on the "big dogs" in Solo
>II today, if a professional TV series were developed. A truly
>professional series on TV would likely attract totally different folks
>than the heavy hitters, today. Money and exposure does funny things. The
>old SCCA animosity between "club" competitors and "pro" competitors and
>their formats could raise its ugly head, again. Frankly, I believe this
>fear is what is really holding back Solo from getting on TV, today. Most
>folk who like our sport the way it is have no interest in changing it.
>They actively resist the change as a negative thing. I suggest the
>majority of Solo II competitors even resist Pro Solo in its current form.

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