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Re: [Solo2Atlanta] Why most autocrossers don't want their sport

Subject: Re: [Solo2Atlanta] Why most autocrossers don't want their sport
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 13:37:46 EST
Ben Thatcher writes:

<< Dick Berger pointed out the dull and boring videos of Nationals
as an example of this. Frankly, any form of motorsport would be tedious
if you set up one camera in one spot to simply watch cars go by (yawn).

In order to be TV friendly, I would envision several things would need to
be put in place.

1. Feature a very limited number of classes (like 3 maximum) that have
visual and audio appeal. These classes would probably vary from the
typical amateur/Pro structure seen today. >>

I think the Pro-Solo Handicap Challenges are the only thing that would fit.  
You have cars catching and passing each other, and one marque vs. another.  
Having said that, we need to make sure there's plenty of SS, FS, ASP, BSP, 
ESP, BP and CP participation.  The camera angles need to be done well.  There 
needs to be one that shows the starts and finishes, and one that shows how 
fast one car is gaining on the other.  At the NASCAR race at Sears Point, 
they have had a camera suspended from a cable from Turn 11 up to Turn 1.  
That one, off to one side, would be great...

I'll risk a flame war, here (when have I not?)  What do we have to exploit 
that sells to motorsports fans?  Let's start with "What sells?"  Crashes, 
passes, and sex all sell... We can show them lots of great racing, and 
passes, with the right camera angles.  We have no (God, I hope...) body 
contact.  Would the male vs. female angle sell?  Only if we can get the women 
to compete against the men in the Challenge, and then we have to have good 
interviews with our good looking ladies.  What interview do all the guys come 
out of the kitchen to check out?  John Force?  Heard him a million times...  
Angel (Seeling) Savoie?  Of course!  And guys are even interested in her when 
she's wearing that bulky riding suit!  

I'm still not convinced it's enough to lure the TV sponsor we need...


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