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Re: GRM's coverage of the Solo II Nats.

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: GRM's coverage of the Solo II Nats.
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 17:49:48 -0600
I'll toss another observation into the pit.

One thing bout GRM that you don't see from Autoweek or R&T or C&D or most of
the other car publications when the Solo Nationals take place -- they are
there! And not just their on-site booth. They are competitors. They also are
supporters of the event by their very visible presence.

They also take a very realistic view of their coverage. SportsCar and NAP
give you the nuts-and-bolts stuff and the top-to-bottom results. They do it
in different ways and with different focuses and together give you a more
complete picture than either could do alone. then GRM steps up and gives you
yet another view, one highlighting a few especially interesting aspects and
going in a direction that space limitations preclude either SC or NAP from
going. It's stuff you don't see in either of the other two, and thus if you
get all three helps flavor your overall impression of the event.

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 10:49 PM
Subject: RE: GRM's coverage of the Solo II Nats.

> Hi All,
> Figured I'd weigh in, since I wrote the article in question.   The people
> that have been to nats can see the results of nats in several different
> formats:  They can sit on the bleachers and watch...hear about it from
> about it in Sports about it in NAP...and read
> it in our magazine. already know, for the most part who won and
> who almost won..and who got stopped for a bit in the impound shed.   With
> about 6 pages to work with, we decided to put some cool pics in,  and give
> some descriptions of some of the neat class battles.   Next year we'll
> probably do another selection of classes.
> So,  why 6 pages?   Because that's what we can fit and still have a
> marketable magazine for the newsstand, which, not coincidentally, is
> something that SportsCar or NAP do not have to deal with.   SportsCar and
> are not our competition in the grand scheme of things.
> It's somewhat like the threads on that start out with a
> soul who asks why autocross isn't on Speedvision.   This is shortly
> by a post from Rich Fletcher, Matt Murray or Bob Tunnell about the
> of marketing such a program.   Same concept, different media.
> Another reality is that GRM has evolved to the point that we are servicing
> many different facets of the amateur racing market.  We will continue to
> autocross feature cars, come to nats,  build autocross cars..etc...but we
> will also do tire tests on road racing cars,  WKA Karts, feature IT build
> and maybe even a BMW CCA car or two.
> Now for the gratuitous spam.  Want a free sample of most well-rounded
> motorsports mag in the industry?  email me your address and I'll send you
> a free sample.
> Per
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