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Re: GRM's coverage of the Solo II Nats.

Subject: Re: GRM's coverage of the Solo II Nats.
From: Eric Linnhoff <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 04:02:07 -0800
----- Original Message -----
> I've also heard that GRM is stocked in a few
> porno shops too...makes our old "Hardcore Sports Car Magazine" motto make
> more sense.
Indeed, that's where I get most of my favorite periodicals.  So much less
stuffy than those regular news stands.  I also like the handiness of their
dollar bill/change machine.  It makes it so much easier to buy a Coke from
the pop machine outside.  But strangely, they never seem to have any Kleenex
at the counter for me to use on my drippy nose.

Anyway, their selection of periodicals eclipses most of the regular local
news stands AND best of all they're open until midnight.

BTW, I absolutely LOVE GRM and can't wait for it to arrive in my mailbox.
When ever it does finally arrive, I always seem to be the last in the world
to receive mine (don't have the latest one yet either) I usually have it
read from cover to cover in a matter of days.  Then, I re-read it just to be
sure I didn't miss anything important, including buildups of 30 year old

I can't wait for the day when GRM goes to more issues per annum.  Drooooool.

WARNING!!!  Rant to follow.

There is one thing though that continues to annoy the piss outta me about
any magazine that I receive.  I can't stand reading the first two pages of
an article, if that much, and then having to "turn to page 78" for the next
two pages and finally "to page 97" for the rest of it.  I realize that this
is probably supposed to offer more "visibility" for the advertisers, but
damn is it annoying.  ESPECIALLY when the continuation of the article
doesn't bother to offer the originating page number and I have to go back
and try to figure out where I was before I was so rudely interrupted by
having to turn to the back of the damned magazine.  (Huff huff, chest all
puffed out and lower lip sticking out too.)

Am I the only one who actually reads a magazine from cover to cover?  Or
more appropriately is GRM the only periodical that elicits such diligence
from its subscribers?  If most subscribers (of the other rags) don't
actually read the issue from cover to cover, and who cares since they have
already paid their subscription fees, why annoy the rest of the truly
faithful subscribers with such things?  Do the advertisers really think that
someone who doesn't read the whole magazine is actually going to make an
impulse purchase based off of their particular advertisement on page 97?
Has any rag ever tried to simply publish articles in their entirety, without
continuing them on later pages, and simply space the major ones throughout
the issue?  Just curious.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
'98 Neon R/T (see-dan)
#69 STS   #13 TLS

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