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RE: GRM doesn't seem to like ESP...

To: "bruce haden" <>
Subject: RE: GRM doesn't seem to like ESP...
From: Todd Farris <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 19:31:14 -0600
> > I was browsing through the latest issue of the GRM with a report from the
> > this year Nationals and there was no mentioning of ESP at all (beside the
> > final results). I know it is mostly an American iron in there, but that
> > should not be a reason for it to be skipped! :)
> >
> > Fedja
>Just do what I just did, don't re-subscribe! GRM only talks about different
>Porsches and Miatas... I just vote with my $$$.

Gotta agree with Carl on this one.  Not to flame GRM but I did speak with 
one of the GRM guys at Natls and they were understanding but had little to 
offer as far as change in the near future.  However, I liked them more in 
their early days when they stuck to autox and other car related events.  If 
I wanted to read about roadracing, I would open my Sportscar.  I am an 
autoxer and uninterested in roadracing.

Even when GRM did any type of article on FS, ESP, CP cars, they were 
usually very small and incomplete.   I would become a subscriber again if 
they could diversify and get back to their roots, Grassroots Racing.  A 
good concept would be to include interviews with autox, and even some 
roadrace(IT, AS style cars, not exRoush GT1 cars) leaders and breakdowns of 
their cars, etc.  Articles on what they think will win are intriguing but 
are sponsor driven more than results oriented, IMHO, which doesn't interest 
the competitor in me. 30 year old British and Bavarian cars are less 
attractive than a Neon!!8-))

my .02

Turbo Toddie
Todd Farris

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