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Re: suspected illegalities

To: "Frank Greensmith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: suspected illegalities
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 07:49:50 -0500
From: Frank Greensmith <>

>hi all, new to the list.  i went to watch a few local large events this
>and got interested enough to buy a rule book.
>what do you do if you suspect a mod on someone's car is illegal?  they
>to installing it but insist its legal.  from what i read of the rules its
>not a legal part.

I'm not a fan of wienie protests, but is sounds to me that this would be a
legitimate protest.

In SCCA and most other clubs, the correct classification of the car is the
responsibility of the driver.  The ultimate policing of this method is by
protest.  This can be done in a friendly way.

I suggest you first (not at an event) check with your local rules chair if
these are local rules.  (S)he can clue you in on the interpretation of the
rules which will probably be used.  If this is a local event rules thing,
you could post the pertinate rules here for (non-binding, of course)

If this it is SCCA Solo2 rules you are running under, this list has many
people familiar with the rules.  If you have lots of time, you can write the
Solo Events Board (located in a what has been described to me as an
unincorporated area of Colorado recently annexed by Centennial) for

Visit the dealer and ask to see their option records, if applicable.

With this preliminary research done, if you still think the entrant is doing
something outside the rules, type up a protest sheet.  It should read
something like this:

"I, Frank Greensmith, entrant in class Q Stock, believe that Joe Blow has
incorrectly classified his Trashwell-Snailby SS as a Q-Stock car.  The car
has Pektron Inverter installed.  I do not believe that a Pektron Inverter
was a factory-authorized option on this model and model-year of car."
Include as much detail as you can about what you have found in your

Take the sheet with you to an event.  As soon as you are sure that Joe has
registered in Q-Stock, go over and tell him, "Joe this is not about you and
me, this is about rules clarification.  We can't agree about your Pecktron
Inverter, so I am bringing this to the protest committee."

Then go to the Eventmaster and give him a signed copy of your typed sheet
and whatever protest fee is required in your club.  Do this as early in the
day as possible.  You want this to cause as little fuss and consternation as
you can.  The protest committee will be formed whenever they get to it, so
just relax and run the event and wait to notified about the protest meeting.
Don't get embroiled in a lot of discussions about the problem.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L

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