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Re: Did you have to leave?

To: Phil Ethier <>
Subject: Re: Did you have to leave?
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:31:23 -0400
--On Wednesday, September 19, 2001 6:27 PM -0500 Phil Ethier 
<> wrote:
> Hmm.  Brings up a scenario.  You are a tire-warmer who flew in and can't
> get home.  Your owner, who lives elsewhere from you, had to leave and
> took the autocross car with him.  You are stuck there, but with no car to
> run.

It happened to Stacey Sawyer in CML, who was to drive with Greg and Anne
Vincent.  They went home because the babysitter time would have run out.
Stacey drove Kurt Eikenburg's car instead.


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