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Re: CART/Texas Motor Speedway

Subject: Re: CART/Texas Motor Speedway
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:36:34 -0500 wrote:
> Well, how dose the IRL drivers do it? They only go about 10 mph slower?
> could it be that the CART cars structurally could not handle the G loads
> since they where design to run on less banking?
Only 10 mph slower than 235 on the same 1.5 mile oval??  I need to check
the books on that, but I think the issue is a combination of both
lateral and gownward g's and sustaining them over the length of a race. 
Too bad this couldn't have surfaced *way* earlier though.  Has no one
ever practiced or run fast laps on TMS before this?


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