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Re: SP/SM and costs

To: " Autocross List" <>
Subject: Re: SP/SM and costs
From: "Mike Smith" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 23:04:59 -0400
> Actually, no, it wasn't. There's no way you could have a hand in the
> of those rules, and NOT see that the potential for expense that was built
> into the class.
> SM was/is seen as the class for ultimate street cars.

You might want to check with the member of the SM list about that. It seems
to me that most think it's STS with race tires and boost controllers.

> Furthermore, while any monkey can make horsepower, the skills with chassis
> development take a lot of experience to acquire. I think it's safe to say
> that the single greatest expense in building a CP car is the un-doing and
> re-doing of all the stuff you got wrong the first few times. (At least,
> that's what all the Prepared guys keep telling me :)
> So SM allows NOTHING in the way of chassis development not already allowed
> in SP (aside from subframe connectors - and if you remember, I initially
> fought like hell to try and limit them to bolt-in, instead of weld-in)

SP doesn't allow replacement suspension arms, IRS rear subframe kits, or a
LOT of other stuff that doesn't follow the "anything that uses the stock
holes' method that SM employs. Not that that's bad, it's not like SP. Now,
if you don't count suspension as part of the chassis, well then you'd be
right. But then chassis development would seem to get a LOT simpler.

> I've been busy trying to build a full-boogie SM car, partially because I
> want to win, but also because I figure I have a responsibility to
> experience first-hand what works and what does not. I work in a very
> "where's the next biggest bang for the buck" preparation sequence, and so
> far, the majority of the stuff that has been done to my car is SP-legal.
> The only things on the car that are not, in fact, are my turbo, my boost
> controller, and a pair of camber bolts.

And that's exactly why I said what I did. There are no current SM cars that
can serve as an example of what is possible. Nobody's gotten there yet. What
you've done so far is akin to buying a CM car, putting big wings, bigger
tires, and a blower on it and saying that is a good AM car. Your current
situation is akin to doing that, and actually being one of the top AM cars.
You might be, but only until a REAL AM car showed up.....  We're just still
waiting for the REAL SM cars to show up... Yes, I realize it's still an
infant as far as classes are concerned and that might take a while.

> That's exactly the point - you have the freedom to spend as much money as
> you want, but if the rules work the way the so-far seem to be working, the
> actual money you NEED to spend is far less.

I still say nobody knows what the ultimate price of a SM trophy will be yet,
and still have the opinion that it'll be higher than most in SM think it
will be. But, for now, you are correct. You don't NEED to spend much to win.
At least, until somebody spends more than the top dog..... <grin>


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