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RE: SP/SM and costs

To: " Autocross List" <>
Subject: RE: SP/SM and costs
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 01:19:29 -0500
It might actually be cheaper in a few years to buy the current speedvision
cup championship car and lower the gearing than to build one from scratch.

<<It's funny you should mention SM costs....

SM, being born out of STS, and STR, was seen as the ultimate class for cheap
street cars.

Then, the rules came out, and, I gotta tell ya, a full-boogie SM car has the
potential to be the most expensive car (modification-wise) in Solo II. It's
just that nobody is even close to having a full-boogie SM car. The only
cheap part of it is that you don't have to start with an expensive car.
However, Prepared has them beat there.....>>

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