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Re: Here's a crazy STS idea...

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Re: Here's a crazy STS idea...
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 23:31:57 -0600
This is exactly my complaint.

And what's to keep the company from inflating prices on a tire that only
autocrossers have interest in?

The main advantage of me racing in STS is not having to buy special "race"

And then of course, in 3-4 years, the tire will be outdated by newer
technology, so we'd have to change the spec tire every so often.  Spec tires
is just a complicated answer.

I think the easy solution is have an "inclusion" list of tires that are
allowable.  This keeps out no-name brand rule-breakers, and lets some
deciding body decide what tire companies and tires are legal for our

And on the durometer thing, exactly how much do they cost, and is it a
viable test for testing 50-100 cars at a time, 4 tires per car?  I'd hate to
be the one doing it.  Longer tech times...


> It's not a bad idea...I just wonder how making people buy brand
> "_________" tires to autocross is any different than having to buy R
> tires.  Yes, you can street them and that is an advantage, but I can
> imagine that more than a few would grouse about having to choose that
> brand.
> Pat

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