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Here's a crazy STS idea...

Subject: Here's a crazy STS idea...
From: "David Schwabe" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 08:53:10 CDT
On the whole STS thing, I think letting folks run on street tires is a 
*good* thing. It does bring people in that otherwise wouldn't run an 
auto-x... but like my emminent fellow Cheesehead Pat Washburn stated, what's 
done locally does not mean it has to be done at a National level.

But, here's my crazy idea... why not make STS a *spec* street tire at 
Nationals? Find a tire with a wide range of sizes to fit everything under 
the sun, then mandate its use at Nationals.

Who cares how hard it is? Doesn't matter if everyone's on the same thing. 
Bingo, eliminates cheating... do durometer tests to make sure it's the same 
thing, not a one-off from the manufacturer that someone finagles. I realize 
that people might want to run a certain brand for whatever reason, but to 
eliminate the variables, *make* them run the same thing.

Here's a few choices:

The new Kumho Ecsta... available in 15" size up to 18s.

BFG Comp T/A ZR... 15" to 19s.

Yoko AVS Intermediates... 13 to 19.

Dunlop Sp 8000s... 14 to 20.

That covers a lot of cars, especially in STS where wheels sizes are optional 

The AVS and Kumhos are pretty darn cheap too... those would be my 

Well, good idea? Stupid idea??


-_Dave Schwabe

PS -- I have no stake in STS at all, because I would likely never run it... 
just an idea. (which is what is for ;-)

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