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RE: STS Tire Rules

To: "'A-Team.Net (Group)'" <>
Subject: RE: STS Tire Rules
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 10:38:32 -0500
And you will identify these "ringer" tires how?
Well, it's kind of like pornography.  Hard to define with words but
everybody knows it when they see it.  I understand your argument and
partially agree that it'd be pretty hard to police.  But also keep in mind
that most of ST is like minded and would likely run out any "cheaters" who
used such ringer tires.  It's like Jean's new email list.  It's so new that
everybody is still being polite and honorable.  Any trouble makers are
quickly weeded out and asked to leave.  Also sorta like Arizona's open carry
laws.  If everybody's armed, then everybody is really polite.  ;^)

Please remember that your task will be to find, identify &
get on an exclusion list these tires between the time the
Tire Company truck arrives at Topeka on Friday morning
and the beginning of competition the next morning.
Good point but I really can't see a company spending all the R&D time to
make and sell just 50 sets (or less) of tires to some cone mashers. And I
can't really see folks buying a completely brand new unknown quantity and
not having any test n tune time before the big show.  I don't know about you
but I make absolutely no changes to the car at, or immediately prior to, the
nationals.  New unknown tires would be a HUGE change.  Perhaps there are a
few drivers who could adapt to and figure out new tires in 6 runs or less
but I'm definitely not one of those guys.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 STS    #13 TLS

"If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Treasure Book, on wisdom

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