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RE: STS Tire Rules

To: "'Roger Johnson'" <>,
Subject: RE: STS Tire Rules
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 09:11:41 -0500
Hence, I feel that there can be no possible place at a National
event for street-tire classes.
Or else all Stock classes should have street-tire rules.

Take your pick - can't have it both ways!

  Roger 2
I feel your pain Roger.  Gimme a big hug and release the pain.  ;^)

And I agree with your reasoning except that the ST participation numbers
don't lie.  Also, the reason that I feel why STR will never catch on is that
most of the ST folks DO want to run on true street tires (my reasons are
partly for the sheer challenge and partly for the convenience of not having
to change tires tires twice each weekend, although I'm sure a lot of folks
still will do this and/or trailer their cars to and from events) and we
already have SP classes where you can "bolt on" more power and handling if
you so desire.

I don't think for a minute that all the Stock class folks will ever give up
their R tires any sooner than I'd give up my guns.  ;^) So, we make a new
class/category for true street tires.  There is a list of banned tires and
if any ringer tires come to the field then they'll simply be added to the
exclusion list.  It's not that hard to implement and I feel that 99% of the
ST folks would stand behind such an exclusion.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 STS    #13 TLS

"If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Treasure Book, on wisdom

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