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Re: Illegal tire warm ups?? According to what rules.....

To: "Sam & Greg Scharnberg" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Illegal tire warm ups?? According to what rules.....
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 15:35:39 -0500
And before you all start writing rules first ask this important question: Is
this rule necessary in your situation?

Do not start writing rules forbidding "wiggling" just to be doing that. Do
you need the rule? Why? Where does it apply?

There is already 1.4.K in the book: "Any driver who drives unsafely at or
near the event location ... shall be disqualified."

IMHO, a driver wiggling at slow speed to clean his tires in a broad, open
area between grid and staging is not driving unsafely. A driver doing that
while going down the passage between rows of the grid, which also has many
people walking about, IS. 1.4.K would seem to cover that adequately (and
could be extended to someone doing donuts in a far, and uncontrolled, corner
of the lot).

There is nothing inherently wrong with wiggling to the line in the absence
of any other circumstances unique to your event. It is a very common
practice. But you may have a site layout situation that simply means such
"tire cleaning" is just not safely possible. If so, say so, and expect
competitors to abide by it. But don't do it if the only real effect is to
create hassle where, otherwise, it just would not matter.

I do not read Sam's not as a call for everyone to write anti-wiggling rules.
I read it as saying you cannot impose a penalty for violating a rule that
did not exist until after the incident. You need to think ahead and
determine what supps you really need for your particular situation. Don't
add rules just because you can, add rules because they are needed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
To: <>;
<>; <>; <>; <>
Date: Monday, October 02, 2000 10:07 PM
Subject: Illegal tire warm ups?? According to what rules.....

>Hey folks,
>Define Illegal tire warm ups? The Solo II Rule Book p. 67 Sec.6.11 states
>"Pre-heating of tires prior to competition by electrically heated covers or
>similar means is prohibited." PERIOD! No where in that section is it
>or stated that driving to the start while weaving side to side IS tire
>warming. Therefore, for National, Divisional, and Regional events what
>constitutes "tire warming" other than electrical means NEEDS to be defined
>the Supplementary Regulations before any penalties can be assessed.
>Also, If idling to the start line while weaving back and forth is a Safety
>issue, it should be defined as such, and is NOT.
>OKay, regions dig out Your Supplementary Regulations and read them. Are
>any statements concerning "tire warm ups?" If there are, what is the
>wording? Please forward to me. Regions stating a 5 mph restriction are not
>with the real world. How do you enforce that? Do you have a radar gun and
>screen every participant at all times? I do not think so..........You must
>have any prepareds or modifieds in your region at all!! Those cars can NOT
>idle at 5 mph.........Discrimination!!!!
>I do not believe tires can be warmed with the "little wiggling to the start
>line" but some rocks may be knocked off the front tires and the back tires
>be cleaned at the start line....guaranteed! Officials stating this person
>be DSQ can look forward to a charge of Discrimination if there is NO RULE
>the supplementary regulations stating the action was illegal.
>Looking forward to lots of "Supplementary Rules" from regions or maybe NOT

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