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Re: No skirts in this email

To: Rocky Entriken <>
Subject: Re: No skirts in this email
From: washburn <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 18:32:22 -0500
> >more... more... more...
> >

A couple things more:

1)  Focus only on those few cones that matter.  It is easier to evaluate
your lines when not distracted by all of the other cones.

2)  For those that are executing well, but still not turning fast
times:  Enter each corner a littel bit faster than your brain is telling
you is acceptable.  Drive outside your comfort zone a need
to scare yourself a little.

3)  For those who are chronically overdriving:  Enter each corner slower
than your brain is telling you is acceptable. 

4)  Speed does not always equal fast times.

5)  Slow in; fast out.

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