Alek/Alex said:
> >BTW, my hands are still at 12 oclcok through out the whole turn.
To which Rcoky replied
> Really! You are in a big lefthand sweeper, doing, oh, 45 or so, and
> your hands are both still at 12 o'clock when centrifugal force is
> very hard to make your hands pull your wheel OUT of its left turn? I
> if you'd check, even if your hands are still together, you are more in
> Martin mode and both your hands are more like 10 o'clock, or 9:30. You
> would have them in a position on the wheel that the centrifugal force
> them on a line that goes roughly through the hub. If they aren't, you
> really be fighting that wheel!
Uh...isn't Alex the one who has broken one or more Camaro steering
'91 MR2 NA
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