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Re: Trophies

To: washburn <>
Subject: Re: Trophies
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:30:37 -0400
At 06:48 PM 9/26/00 -0500, washburn wrote:
>Mark Sirota wrote:
>> Mark Sirota wrote:
>> > (1) Too many classes make for long and boring Nationals banquets.
>Dare I suggest, in the spirit of the Olympic Games, three trophies???? 
>Gold, Silver, and Bronze.  Why not...when I tell my friends I trophied
>at Nationals, I get funny looks anyway when I mention that it was an
>*8th place* trophy.  Makes sense to me.  What does everyone else

Bad idea. I've trophied a lot more times than I've been in the top three!!!!

I simply tell people that "x" people were faster than me and I was faster
than "4.7x" people in my class.

or "32 people (including 2 women) were faster than me overall" but "I was
faster than 1040 people overall" 

Yes it "pays" to compete in a Mod car!

Seriously, due to the nature of our sport, I think the goal of "trophying"
is worthwhile. 3 Podium finishes are fine for lots of racing, but for us
the "trophy payout" works fine.

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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