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RE: # of classes and particitpation

To: "Ax List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: # of classes and particitpation
From: "Eric Buckley" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 20:22:32 -0500
Rocky Entriken wrote (regarding his pseudo-ladies trophy structure)

> Good idea? Really dumb one? Needs work?

Without actually weighing in on the Ladies class issue (especially since
Karen has already spoken and I'm sure NONE of us want to see that one opened
up again) I would like to comment on this particular idea.

As the guy who spends Sunday nights crunching the numbers to get results out
(just finished today's) this is all it would take for me to resign. Either
have ladies classes or don't. But let's not confuse the issue with some
crazy hybrid. Yes, I know, regions would be free to stick with the old or do
whatever, but MANY regions feel that their members are best served by
staying consistent with the Nationals classing structure.

Eric Buckley
7 STR: 98 Integra GSR
St Louis Region Results Coordinator

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