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To: Dave Whitworth <>
Subject: Re: BSM/SM2
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 18:42:31 -0400
Dave Whitworth wrote:
> What drawback to the sport is/was created by adding the 12 new
> classes?

At Regional events (that is, those with under 1,000 entrants) more
classes mean diluted competition.

Yes, the classing system is not required for Regional events, so
bumping or other combining methods are okay and even encouraged.
But most clubs are going to follow the national classing rules, and
with good reason; lopping off classes one-by-one doesn't work all
that well.

Note that I'm not picking on these particular classes, just trying to
explain why lots of classes isn't necessarily a good thing.


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