I tried to meet as many Team.Netters as possible at Nationals. I made it a
point to try to find the "Outlaw Rogues" such as yourself. I got to meet
the infamous
Adam Popp while there along with DTN Karl Rickert and dozens more.
Mike B. 99cm TLS#1
pylon@pylon.cc wrote
> To those of you who have a problem with anything I did before, or
> am doing now, I left the opportunity open at nationals to say
> anything you wanted to me. Mike B was the only one to come up
> to me, and he didn't have anything bad to say.
> CJ - Chris Hammond
> Below is a Description of my project at Pylon.CC
> ***Some People may consider the message from here on to be
> Spam, decide for yourself, flame me if you wish***
> I purchased a new domain name, Pylon.CC to try to create a web
> site that will be a vast information source, in the long run that will
> hopefully be able to cover almost every topic that has to do with
> solo from car setups to tires, and wheels, to the basics of course
> design, setup, running an event, and more.
> I do however realize that I cannot do this alone, and having only
> been into Autocross for 6 months now I lack the knowledge to
> provide all this information. That's where everyone else comes in. I
> am providing the arena for the information, but I need to solicite that
> information from the veterans of this sport.
> I have not yet come up with a way to do this, through email, in
> person, in region newsletters, I am not sure. I am trying to
> complete the site design and navigation, so that once I can start
> collecting information I am able to display it.
> If anyone out there would like to be of any assistance please let
> me know. I have an online calendar in the works that people will be
> allowed to enter events into, hopefully keeping a national database
> of events.
> Feel free to email me any comments, suggestions, problems you
> find with me, or the web site. Have a wonderful day!
> http://www.pylon.cc/
> Pylon.CC Racing Forums
> Technical Articles - Photo Gallery
> Motorsports Calendar