> Why is it always "we" when people criticize the class
> and "I" or "me" when they don't? In other words, who
> died and left you the SM god? AFAIK, this is the only
> class that has _ever_ been created at the whim of one
> individual to be run by his rules that are
> _obviously_ defined to keep his particular car
> competive at all costs?!?
> Paul Foster
It looks like there are some problems here beyond my comprehension, since I
am unable to understand why you need to attack DG for anything related to
the SM (for some other things, maybe :). He did an excellent job of creating
a new class where people that have cars modified beyond the SP rules have
place to play, without being forced to ran with EM guys. It also helped for
overall improvement of the rating for the SCCA, since all those guys with
boost controllers, SFCs, and ..., now have very nice place to play.
As of DSM being to top cars there, is just plain wrong. There are so many
other cars that can be much faster there, that this doesn't even needs to be
elaborated. If you can't see that, than you will have no help here.
95 AWD
#34 ESP
"Let boost be with you!"
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