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RE: Was M3 - - now ESP participation

To: "'Loren Williams'" <>,
Subject: RE: Was M3 - - now ESP participation
From: Jeff Winchell <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:55:27 -0700
>"Mark J. Andy" wrote:
> ESP is supposed to be a pony car class.

> "Loren Williams: wrote:
>If it is not permissible for anything other than an American-made "pony
>car" to win this class

Your inference doesn't follow from Mark's statement.

It is possible for a class to be a ponycar class, and for non-ponycars to do
well, and even from time to time win by a normal margin at the national
level. The DSM's are an example of this in ESP. I have heard of no outcry to
remove them from ESP.

What Mark and others don't want is for non-ponycars to win by a LARGE margin
at the national level, nor is it desired for non-ponycars to win MOST of the
time (I hope this doesn't bother the DSM drivers). An example of measures
taken in the past to keep this true is that the SCCA allowed 95 Cobra Rs to
backdate/update with other 94+ Mustangs (to bring more competitive balance
to ESP as the F-Bodies were winning too much vs the Mustangs and the
Mustangs outsell F-Bodies by a large margin).

At regional or local levels of course, all bets are off depending on what
driver shows up.

Also, the main reason there is a ponycar class is the very large number of
people who buy these cars and want to race them. 

If someone wanted to start a class for DeLoreans, no matter how cool that
person thought Deloreans were, there aren't enough similar people to justify
such a class.

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