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Re: DSP, was Nationals entries

To: Bob Forsberg <>, miket <>
Subject: Re: DSP, was Nationals entries
From: "avillasol" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:42:04 +0000
The X1/9 is dominating DSP because of a combination of things, mainly the 
car is lightweight and mid-engined, and Steve Hoelscher drives the wheels
off of his car!  He gets everything out of his car and his times have been

At the 1998 Nationals, on the South course, there was a fairly long
right-hander (180 degree) just prior to the finish.  I watched a video of me
and my co-driver, along with a few X1/9's, go through this turn.  The Fiats
not only did not lift for this turn, they were continually accelerating
through most of it.  That blew my mind because we HAD TO lift in this fast
corner.  Oh well, that's life.  I love challenges so we'll be trying again
this year!

See ya next month Steve, Jim B., Jim S., and all the remaining DSPers!! =)

Arie Villasol
'72 DSP Komush Capri
San Francisco Region SCCA

>From: Bob Forsberg <>
>To: miket <>
>Cc: autox <>
>Subject: RE: DSP, was Nationals entries
>Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2000, 12:16 AM

> and why is this car dominating dsp?
> bob
> dsp 19 fiat x1/9

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