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Re: The Tribal Council Vote

Subject: Re: The Tribal Council Vote
From: jon e prevo <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 14:29:26 -0500
Now Jay, that is truly pitiful!  ;-)

Jon (suthern an' still readin')FP 73

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000 13:57:18 -0500 "Jay Mitchell"
<> writes:
> Matt Murray sez:
> > BTW, what's a *book*? :^)
> To quote Carol Kane from an obscure sitcom that was cancelled
> after three or four episodes, "Oh, you _read_? Will you be mah
> friend faw life?" (She was playing a Suthuhn belle if it's not
> plain from my phunetic spellin')
> Jay "name that sitcom" Mitchell

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