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Re: NEDivs

To: Alan Pozner <>
Subject: Re: NEDivs
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 18:56:29 -0400
Alan Pozner wrote:
> Also props (I hear this is the cool new way of saying thanks but what
> do I know I'm over 40) to Mari Clements who is from Central PA region
> but worked her a** off all day Sunday. Thanks also to Mark Sirota for
> being a stand-up guy.

Uh, you're welcome?  It took me years to learn what "phat" meant --
can someone help me out with "props"?

Mari Clements, Diana Shaw, and Stacey Sawyer are my new heroes for
developing T&S into such a smooth running machine in such a short

Frankly, I didn't do a whole lot of the planning for this event.  Karl
Hughes secured the site (no easy feat thanks to last year's Woodstock
debacle) and Tina Reeves agreed to chair it, and every time I tried to
help, I found that she had everything covered.  I appreciate all the
thanks and kudos I've been getting, but Tina should be the recipient of
most of those.

Of course, she didn't do it alone.  Special thanks should also be
directed to Kathy Barnes, the Chief Steward, who handled every tough
situation (and there were a few) with her usual care and zeal.  And
let's not forget all the other chiefs and all the competitors who made
this event a success.

Mark Sirota, Northeast Division Solo II Steward

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