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Re: NEDivs

To: "Mari L Clements" <>, <>
Subject: Re: NEDivs
From: "Alan Pozner" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 18:16:45 -0400
Just to add - GS

1st Dale Kunze Type R
2nd ??? Pontiac Sunfire !!! - Great drive both days
3rd Eric Moon Type R
4th Alan Pozner Type R
5th Jeff Macrae Integra GSR

1st Geoff Craig X1/9
2nd Tina Reeves X1/9
3rd Vince Gladfelter BMW 2002tii

Thanks to FLR and Glen Region for working so hard. After helping with
divisionals last year I know how much is involved. It's a shame the event
ended on a "damp" note cause it was all great 'til then. Also props (I hear
this is the cool new way of saying thanks but what do I know I'm over 40) to
Mari Clements who is from Central PA region but worked her a** off all day
Sunday. Thanks also to Mark Sirota for being a stand-up guy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mari L Clements <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: NEDivs

>As always, from memory, likely to be weak on some classes/names/etc., but
>as I recall the trophy positions...
>SS--Strano, Solomon (in a Speed Yellow, don't call it French's Mustard
>Yellow 911).
>AS--Salerno, Rothney-Kozlak (AS got one dry run--deja vu anyone?--this
>time it was Sunday)
>BS--Aro (with a cone on every run Sunday), Clow (who also had some cone
>problems), Porteous (who had a great Sunday)
>CS--Newhard, Clements, Potocki (also one dry run Sunday)
>DS--Zoner, Ryan, Sawyer
>DSL--Zoner, Sawyer
>FS--Johnson, Bistrais (I think I left out at least one trophy position
>here, and the order may be wrong)
>GS--4 trophy positions, and the only two I remember are Eric Moon and
>Alan Pozner, and I'm not sure of their order
>CSP--have no idea how to say or spell the champion, but he drove a brown
>1st gen RX7, Kugler, Adams, Ciufo (I could have the order wrong on the
>2nd-4th place trophies)
>DSP--not sure here.  Tina Reeves was trading the lead early on, but I
>didn't see how it finished.  She might have finished second.
>DSPL--someone in a pewter metallic Neon
>ESP--Fedja (like Cher and Charo, he only needs one name, right?  O.K., so
>I can't spell his last name either...)  I *think* Chabal held on for
>second, but am not sure
>ESPL--someone in a red BMW
>FSP--Chang Ho Kim had the early lead, but I didn't see how Sunday turned
>CP--Ostrovitz was third, but I forget 1st and 2nd
>EP--Krysiak, I think, after he listened to Kathy and went to rains ( :
>CM--Paul Zahorn??--sorry about my inferior spelling here--I've certainly
>seen that name enough to get it right ) :  I forget second, but I think
>Miller was third.  (Happily, there are enough CM guys on to fix
>this omission, right?)
>SM--Aidelbaum (borrowing an Eclipse), Rafferty, Witt, maybe McFetridge
>was in the fourth trophy position?  All in the rain Sunday.
>FJr Jr (8-11)--Scanell, Cuifo
>FJr--I think his first name was Adam and his last name began with an S,
>but I can't remember.
>Ssturday was nice all day.  Sunday, the sprinkles started in third heat.
>Fourth heat got one dry run, and fifth heat was run under conditions that
>ranged from full wet to standing water.  Windshield wipers and lights.
>Lots of mod cars in those later heats (CM and BM for sure), who sadly
>didn't have windshield wipers and lights.
>'91 MR2 NA
>-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree

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