<<<Think about it this way. Changing the voting age (or drinking age
driver's license age) from what it is now to 25 years old would cause
tremendous uproar because you would be taking away the ability to do
something from a group of people who previously had (and may well have
exercised) that right. If the age had *originally* been set at 25,
chances are that the 18-24 year olds (or 21-24 year-olds or 16-24 year
olds) would not have objected, but *take away* those existing rights,
they will object.>>>
When the drinking age was changed from 18 in most states to 21 it sure
caused a big commotion. It still does with me. I just can't understand
how someone can give their life for their country but cannot legally
To make this thread autocross related, has anybody actually tried
running an alcohol event as explained in the back of the old
Paul Foster