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RE: Classing by Potential

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Classing by Potential
From: "Jeff Lloyd" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 17:26:18 -0400
GH, I beleive it is just a better, more logical, NO, elegant solution to
something that has been a problem for a while. yes My choice of cars comes
into play here because the car I love will never be competitive (that is why
I am moving to prepared next year, so no dog in this fight) but as it sits
the SCAC was right in denying my suggestion to move this car in the current
structure, because there is no other "car type" it fits into (too expensive
for C-stock) no roadsters in G-stock) where as if we didn't have some stupid
$10,000 limit on CS it would make a very nice competitive car..

with a Logical performance biased system, you can shuffle cars at any point.
wonderful. Move some cars up some cars down. whatever, god forbid a
different car might win for a change.

look at the current system
we have
RX7TT stock
Boxster 2.7 stock (with development)
Miata stock
Mr2 N/A Stock
Neon Stock
Celica Stock
Camaro Stock
Type R stock
and Honda stock

YEA our system is not broken SHESH

as you say "a majority" It looks like there are more people on this list
that think like me, even the ones in the "cars to have" I think having a
more logical system is better regardless of where my car falls (guess it's
destined for SS now :-) not to mention how much easier it will be for the
SCAC/SEB to class cars in the future..

Jeff Lloyd
(currently unsatisfied customer, but I love SCCA competition)

GH wrote:
The "vested interest" you're referring to includes the majority of Solo
competitors who feel the current system isn't broken.  Again, with only
9 Stock classes in which to class every car made, how do you make
every one of those cars a potential winner?  What if we changed methods
of classing and your car was put into another grouping but was still not
capable of winning at the National level with a top driver?  Would you still
applaud the new method of classing, or does it depend on where your
choice of cars is placed?


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