And all of the assembled multitude said "amen."
Jon FP 73
We're right. You're wrong. The horse is dead.
On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 15:06:03 -0500 "Jay Mitchell"
<> writes:
> wrote:
> > The growing number of entries and the waiting list at the Tours
> and
> > Pros is getting ridiculous.
> I'd say that the growing number of short-sighted individuals
> bitching on about the very thing that Denver has been
> actively pursuing - the growth of Solo II - is pretty damn
> ridiculous.
> > These events should be for top-level
> > competition first and foremost.
> Define "top-level." National tours originally replaced
> Divisonals. Divisionals typically brought together competitiors
> from multiple Regions. Sometimes, the competition is "top-level,"
> other times it's not. Regardless of whether it's a Tour or a
> Regional. What about the really small classes at Nationals? How
> are we supposed to assure that THOSE classes only allow
> "top-level" competitors to enter?
> > I'm
> > not implying that novices should be blatantly barred,
> Looks to me like that's exactly what you're implying.
> > but when
> > their participation limits the participation of top-level
> competitors
> > like Matthew,
> It doesn't. You sends in your entry and you takes your chances.
> If you're in on time, good. If not and the event fills up, better
> luck next time. Do you really think it's gonna be a constant
> problem that Tours fill to overflowing? I'd say that's exactly
> the "problem" that Denver has been trying to create.
> > I spend considerable amounts of time and money
> > to travel.
> Oh, God. Yet again we hear "I spend, therefore I am" (apologies
> to Rene DesCartes). Get over it.
> "I'm so damn serious I got "Born to Solo" tattooed on my butt.
> I'm entitled to better treatment that all you amateurs. You're
> not good enough to grid next to me."
> "I'll see your cheap-ass enclosed trailer and raise you an
> eighteen wheeler. You don't KNOW from serious, buddy."
> > If the top-level drivers are denied entry to the Tours and
> > Pros, what's my motivation to go?
> If you show up with that attitude, what's my motivation as a
> member of a Tour-hosting Region to want you to attend?
> It has not yet been established that excessive entries will be a
> recurrent long-term problem with majorSolo II events. If it's a
> problem for Pro Solo, Denver can reinvent that for the umpteenth
> time. If it's a problem for Tours, I say have more of 'em. Let's
> not jump the gun here, though. This whole situation could very
> easily reverse itself, and you "top-level" sorts could get
> awfully lonely. I say "let 'em eat cake."
> Jay "Antoinette" Mitchell