On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 wrote:
> Here is the caveat though....there was a significant amount of time saved
> because most people had themselves staged in 20 seconds. The point to make is
> that the (manual) starter, didn't pressure anyone to get staged. They didn't
> ask for your "ready" reply until both cars were in the lights (BTW: no pre
> light either).
> I think 20 seconds could work as well but there is always a few seconds delay
> from the start until the shot clock actually begins to start down.
> How about the 25 seconds from time of launch?
I think we're overlooking the obvious answer. Just keep doing manual
starts. You will have a _very_ hard time picking one optimized shot clock
time. A manual starter can do that very easily.
I understand the "man, this is different, I kinda like having that clock"
attitude since I had it as well. But after 12 runs it was pretty much
gone. And Solo starts work more similar to a manual starter than not.
Oh, and its one less piece of equipment to keep working. Which either
reduces the equipment demands or (please lord!) lets them get some type of
reaction time system working... :-)