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Re: why the harrisburg pro took less time

Subject: Re: why the harrisburg pro took less time
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 21:05:45 -0400
> >I say ditch the shot clock alltogether, and make the start procedure
> >like drag racing, where the lights can drop any time after both stage
> >lights are lit.
> That would eliminate any possibility of wheel choking.  fine if you
have a
> level launch pad where the cars can't roll out of the staging lights. 
> for somewhere like the 'Burg.

Never having done any drag racing (but happy to someone *else's*
car!), I think I'd be seriously burned by the "lights can drop anytime
after you stage" thing.  I like to get up there quickly and then finesse
the placement.  (Of course, I could adjust.)

One other thing.  I never rolled on any start at Harrisburg this weekend
and never used the parking/emergency/hand brake.  (Spun the tires on a
start or two, but never rolled.)  I was surprised about that, because
when I was working practice starts, I was told repeatedly that the left
side rolls but the right doesn't.

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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