Jay wrote:
>...More often than not, I have problems with corner exit understeer.
It sounds like you already have a good handle on this and you are probably
moments away from a solution yourself. But here goes:
When turning left your body is closer to the apex and you see the apex at
LESS of an angle than in a right turn. Let's take two identical corners -
one left and one right. Let's say that you are using the "correct" line in
both and that the "correct" place to reapply power is 10 feet before you get
to the apex. If you were to look out your window at that spot toward the
apex, the angle you would have to look would be far greater for the right
turn than the left.
Diagram: (you need to use a fixed width font on your reader to make this
Left apex *
You * |
Car |
Right Apex *
If you draw a line from the You asterisk to each apex asterisk you will see
the right turn forms a sharper angle than the left.
I suggest that you are unconsciously using the angle to the apex as your
guide as to when to apply power. So exiting the right corner under too early
a power application leads to understeer (you are going too fast, too early)
I seem to have the opposite problem. I tend to go into left hand corners too
fast. Maybe because the angle is less on the left than the right and I think
I am further from the apex than I really am.