This year, you switched from BFG to Hoosier tires like Bob did.
In 1998 and 1999, you ran eight Utah events against Jerry Hodges, the 1999
ProSolo SS champion. Your times (non-PAXed) averaged 93.79% of Jerry Hodges
(throwing out one event where you were 18 seconds off his pace). The other 7
events your times varied from 91.82% to 95.35% of Jerry's times.
At the California ProSolos, running on Hoosiers, you BEAT Jerry at San
Bernardino, and lost by .01 to him at Lemoore.
>I don't think you can just take Joe Blow off the street, drop him in an M3
and have him
>dominate ESP.
In the Houston region, M3 driver Bob Dorchester took 3rd place (out of 8) in
his first autocross. Since then, he's placed 4th, 2nd, 2nd, and 2nd, out of
an average of 8.2 entrants.
And regarding my *current* personal performance ... it has no bearing on
whether the M3 should be in ESP.