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Re: M3 Comment Really why you cannot just look at results blindly

Subject: Re: M3 Comment Really why you cannot just look at results blindly
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:36:15 -0700

Todd Green wrote:

> I'll freely admit I'm fairly new to the sport (Just ask Randy Chase ;)
> However in the little over two years I've been doing this, I've gone to
> countless driving schools, put well over 12,000 track miles on my car,
> run everything from Solo II's to door-to-door races, read every book on
> racing (from engineering to chassis setup to driving) that I could get
> my hands on, and incessantly bug Bob about how to go faster <smile Bob>

And it shows. Since you dragged me into this :), let me say this. Todd
in my opinion is pretty far along in the learning curve. As I told Todd
in Lemoore (when I was not feeding him a line)..his only "problem" is
running in the same class as Mr. Tunnell. It is obvious that his car is
well set up and he is serious about doing well. 

I am lucky if I remember to unpack my trunk and put air in the tires. :) 

Frankly, I take pride in having beat Todd like a red-headed stepchild
(nod to Scotty). :)

Randy Chase (still struggling with a quirky suspension problem...but
getting closer)

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