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Re: The great white north/Ahh

Subject: Re: The great white north/Ahh
From: Lloyd Loring <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 20:28:04 -0500
>Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 08:44:42 -0500
>From: Mike Bultemeier <>
>Subject: The great white north/Ahh
>Can anyone tell me about crossing into Canada towing a racecar? Is it a
>I already know that I can't take firearms(What kind of a vacation is
>What kind of paperwork will I need? Any info would be appreciated.
>Mike(I wonder if you can get Schlitz in a can there?)B. 99cm

In addition to the other suggestions, I would add that you should 
create an up-to-date, detailed inventory of EVERYTHING you are 
bringing across of any value. Make several copies so that both sides 
have a record of the contents of your rig. Then it is just a question 
of the border guards checking what's in the rig with what you said 
was in the rig. Otherwise you could be charged for bringing back 
something new, when it was an item you had all along. Or selling 
something you didn't sell. It will be a PITA to create but once done, 
it will be easier to update.

Lloyd Loring  <>

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