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Re: The great white north/Ahh

Subject: Re: The great white north/Ahh
Date: 23 May 2000 11:58:35 -0700
On Tue, 23 May 2000, Mike Bultemeier wrote:

> Can anyone tell me about crossing into Canada towing a racecar? Is it a
> problem?

There are plenty of race cars moving to and fro across the border....drag 
racers, stocks, various road racers (Mosport, Shannonville, Montreal F1) and 
various I don't think you should have too much trouble.  
However someone else might want to comment on this.

> I already know that I can't take firearms(What kind of a vacation is
> that??)

Yep, you are right on that one.....esp. handguns.  You might also want to watch 
out for max. quantities of cigarettes (1 carton??) and alcohol (40oz?) but I 
may be wrong on those....  Something else is citrus fruits.....oranges and 
such....just leave 'em behind..  

> What kind of paperwork will I need? Any info would be appreciated.

Again, someone in the know can tackle the vehicle documentation.  I know that 
some Canadians coming back may have to prove that they did not make/pay for 
mods to their cars down in the 'States but have also heard that it can be done 
later via receipts....don't know how critical it would be going the other way 
though (since your mods might well cost more up here than down there).

Otherwise to cross the border, you don't need any passport but rather some 
sufficient id including either/or birth certificate, social security 
no.....driver's licence is good to have. :^)  Basically to prove you are a US 

Can't think of anything else right now and I have to get back to work!  So 
someone else can fill in details and/or correct me if I'm wrong in any points.
> Mike(I wonder if you can get Schlitz in a can there?)B. 99cm

How about some Moosehead?  Or Big Rock?  :^)


Reijo Silvennoinen, CSCC Nat'l Event Rep.
Calgary, Alberta
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