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The Sportsman's Charter

Subject: The Sportsman's Charter
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:02:28 -0700
This came from one of the first pages in my girlfriends "American Horse 
Shows Association 2000 Rule Book" that reads surprisingly like our rule 
book (and they have more classes than you could imagine!).  Reprinted 
without permission of course (sorry!)

Besides the terrible use of grammar, I found it surprisingly appropriate 
for us autocrossers.  Enjoy....

The Sportsman's Charter

That sport is something done for the fun of doing it and that it ceases to 
be sport when it becomes a business only, something for what there is in it;

That amateurism is something of the heart and spirit - not a matter of 
exact technical qualifications;

That good manners of sport are fundamentally important;

That the code must be strictly upheld;

That the whole structure of sport is not only preserved from the absurdity 
of undue importance, but is justified by the kind of romance that animates 
it, and by the positive virtues of courage, patience, good temper, and 
unselfishness which are demanded by the code;

That the exploitation of sport for profit alone kills the spirit and 
retains only the husk and semblance of the thing.  That the qualities of 
frankness, courage, and sincerity which mark the good sportsman in private 
life shall mark the discussions of his interests at a show.

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