In a message dated 5/21/00 7:27:37 AM EST, writes:
<< Reply-to:
To: Jeff@Winchell.Com,
You asked about ESP and I heard last night that Bob was kicking butt along
with Patty doing well. >>
I also heard that they let in 220 when they say it is a cap of 175, and they
finished like at 7 or 7:30 pm. It was getting dark. Then, many people have
cones added but no one saw them or could find them, and many have cones that
were not called in. I was talking to one person who turned himself in, and
the other guy had one and knew it, but refused to say anything telling me he
feels it is SCCA's and the workers responsibility to have caught it.
I've ran these for 10 years and it seems some things never change. I guess
it has affected a few classes and that you can't really take what is in
print for what was the truth for what happened. These people who called
seemed to be really disappointed with what was it was so
cold and a tight course.
Jean Kinser