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Re: Terminator Kart

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Terminator Kart
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 09:07:51 -0500
Dennis said:

> In a fit of rightous rage, Jay Mitchell
<> roared:

Actually, it was said with a bemused, sly grin.

> Bah, no self respecting SM driver would drink that weak,
> swill. We'll take a shot of straight nitromethane with a
tolulene chaser,
> toxicity be dammed!

Well, that would only be legal in SMVFI (Street Mod Volatile Fuel
Intoxicant) class.

> And as for this whole kart thing - I see kart drivers. I see
kart drivers
> having fun. I see kart drivers entertaining spectators. And I
see nothing
> wrong here.

Ok, so now I find myself on the opposite side of the fence from
DG, Ben Thatcher, and Paul Foster. That's encouraging, but
incomplete. Now if the Sipester will just chime in with you


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